Hi45624's Scorecard & Trophy Room

This is Hi45624's personal scorecard. Here you can view all their essential playing statistics and history, including the number of individual records and awards they currently hold on Wordtwist. These stats are updated in real-time, so check back often to keep track of Hi45624's progress.

Playing Statistics

Below are Hi45624's vital playing statistics. Note that 4 x 4 game statistics are kept separate from 5 x 5 game statistics, as the rules and difficulty-level of each board-type vary.

4 x 4 Stats

Lifetime Stats
Member Since: August 1, 2017
Games Played: 10678 games
Total Points: 3088062 points
Average Score: 289.2 points
Most Words: 120 words
Highest Score: 495 points
Best Word: STROLLINGS (18)
Longest Word: VISITATIONS (11)

Not currently competing.

Current Records Held
Highest Score: 497 records held
Most Words: 585 records held
Best Word: 77 records held
Longest Word: 38 records held

5 x 5 Stats

Lifetime Stats
Member Since: August 1, 2017
Games Played: 1010 games
Total Points: 300357 points
Average Score: 297.38 points
Most Words: 121 words
Highest Score: 519 points
Best Word: RAZZINGS (17)
Longest Word: ENTICINGS (9)

Not currently competing.

Current Records Held
Highest Score: 12 records held
Most Words: 19 records held
Best Word: 6 records held
Longest Word: 1 records held

Competition Trophy Room

Here you can view all trophies and ribbons Hi45624 has won to date in our various monthly competitions. You can click the month/year under each award to view the full top-50 rankings for that competition.

Competition Awards

48th place
Mar 2022 4x4
313.543 av. points

43rd place
Feb 2022 4x4
315.432 av. points

47th place
Jan 2022 4x4
305.036 av. points

50th place
Dec 2021 4x4
307.898 av. points

44th place
Nov 2021 4x4
313.530 av. points

45th place
Oct 2021 4x4
302.179 av. points

42nd place
Sep 2021 4x4
310.354 av. points

41st place
Aug 2021 4x4
309.940 av. points

36th place
Jul 2021 4x4
305.594 av. points

44th place
Jun 2021 4x4
302.806 av. points

43rd place
May 2021 4x4
306.952 av. points

45th place
Apr 2021 4x4
300.127 av. points

38th place
Mar 2021 4x4
307.641 av. points

45th place
Feb 2021 4x4
298.311 av. points

41st place
Jan 2021 4x4
297.340 av. points

44th place
Dec 2020 4x4
290.966 av. points

47th place
Nov 2020 4x4
286.584 av. points

44th place
Oct 2020 4x4
295.114 av. points

42nd place
Sep 2020 4x4
299.826 av. points

36th place
Aug 2020 4x4
309.582 av. points

34th place
Jul 2020 4x4
306.748 av. points

36th place
May 2020 4x4
316.583 av. points

40th place
Apr 2020 4x4
308.202 av. points

43rd place
Mar 2020 4x4
304.118 av. points

46th place
Feb 2020 4x4
299.848 av. points

48th place
Jan 2020 4x4
302.251 av. points

43rd place
Dec 2019 4x4
300.778 av. points

39th place
Nov 2019 4x4
301.521 av. points

42nd place
Oct 2019 4x4
304.949 av. points

45th place
Sep 2019 4x4
287.210 av. points

49th place
Aug 2019 4x4
285.989 av. points

49th place
Jul 2019 4x4
281.188 av. points

44th place
Mar 2022 4x4
74.614 av. words

39th place
Feb 2022 4x4
75.371 av. words

49th place
Jan 2022 4x4
72.431 av. words

47th place
Dec 2021 4x4
73.284 av. words

41st place
Nov 2021 4x4
74.760 av. words

44th place
Oct 2021 4x4
72.022 av. words

38th place
Sep 2021 4x4
73.875 av. words

34th place
Aug 2021 4x4
74.426 av. words

34th place
Jul 2021 4x4
72.172 av. words

42nd place
Jun 2021 4x4
71.797 av. words

41st place
May 2021 4x4
72.530 av. words

46th place
Apr 2021 4x4
71.349 av. words

37th place
Mar 2021 4x4
73.695 av. words

43rd place
Feb 2021 4x4
70.849 av. words

42nd place
Jan 2021 4x4
70.642 av. words

41st place
Dec 2020 4x4
69.304 av. words

45th place
Nov 2020 4x4
67.937 av. words

43rd place
Oct 2020 4x4
70.610 av. words

42nd place
Sep 2020 4x4
71.030 av. words

35th place
Aug 2020 4x4
72.551 av. words

34th place
Jul 2020 4x4
72.798 av. words

33rd place
May 2020 4x4
74.504 av. words

41st place
Apr 2020 4x4
73.266 av. words

44th place
Mar 2020 4x4
72.183 av. words

44th place
Feb 2020 4x4
71.228 av. words

44th place
Jan 2020 4x4
72.077 av. words

43rd place
Dec 2019 4x4
71.587 av. words

38th place
Nov 2019 4x4
71.563 av. words

39th place
Oct 2019 4x4
72.190 av. words

43rd place
Sep 2019 4x4
69.092 av. words

46th place
Aug 2019 4x4
68.687 av. words

47th place
Jul 2019 4x4
67.570 av. words

44th place
Feb 2019 4x4
71.544 av. words

Jul 2021 4x4

Jun 2021 4x4

May 2020 4x4

Mar 2020 4x4

Nov 2018 4x4

Aug 2017 4x4

Jul 2022 5x5

Jan 2022 4x4

Sep 2021 4x4

Aug 2021 4x4

Jul 2021 4x4

Jun 2021 4x4

May 2021 4x4

Mar 2021 4x4

Feb 2021 4x4

Jan 2021 4x4

Oct 2020 4x4

Jun 2020 4x4

May 2020 4x4

Jul 2019 4x4

Nov 2018 4x4

Jun 2018 4x4

May 2018 4x4

Aug 2017 4x4

May 2022 5x5

Mar 2022 5x5

Word Usage

Below is a simple pie-chart representing Hi45624's word use on Wordtwist, split between weighted difficulty ratings for all words found to date. There are four difficulty weightings, from easiest to most difficult: Common Usage, Wide Usage, Rare Usage and Ultra Rare Usage.