If you want to improve your game, there's no better way than to familiarize yourself with all valid three-letter words. Many of these are in common usage, but a great number of them are rarely-used in everyday language, and known only to specialists, word-buffs and puzzle-addicts. Here we provide all playable 3-letter words in alphabetical order, along with their Wordtwist difficulty rating and a brief definition. If you'd like to learn more about a particular word, just click the underlined word to pull up alternate definitions, sample usage and pictures related to that term.
Select a letter to view all valid, three-letter words in SOWPODS (the dictionary we use on this site) which begin with that letter:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
CAA | Wide | (var. of CALL) to summon |
CAB | Common | to take or drive a taxicab |
CAD | Common | an ungentlemanly man |
CAG | Ultra Rare | (var. of CAGOULE) cagoul |
CAM | Common | a rotating or sliding piece of machinery |
CAN | Common | to put in a can (a cylindrical container) |
CAP | Common | to provide with a cap (a type of head covering) |
CAR | Common | an automobile |
CAT | Common | to hoist an anchor to the cathead |
CAW | Common | to utter the sound of a crow |
CAY | Wide | a small low island |
CAZ | Wide | casual |
CEE | Ultra Rare | the letter C |
CEL | Ultra Rare | a sheet of celluloid used in animation |
CEP | Ultra Rare | (var. of CEPE) a large mushroom |
CHA | Rare | tea |
CHE | Ultra Rare | ch I |
CHI | Common | a Greek letter |
CID | Ultra Rare | (var. of CHIEF) highest in authority |
CIG | Rare | (var. of CIGARETTE) |
CIS | Ultra Rare | having certain atoms on the same side of the molecule |
CIT | Wide | not a gentleman |
CLY | Ultra Rare | (var. of STEAL) to take without right or permission |
COB | Common | (var. of CORNCOB) the woody core of an ear of corn |
COD | Common | (var. of FOOL) to deceive |
COG | Common | to cheat at dice |
COL | Wide | a depression between two mountains |
CON | Common | to study carefully |
COO | Common | to make the sound of a dove |
COP | Common | (var. of STEAL) to take without right or permission |
COR | Wide | an ancient unit of measure |
COS | Wide | a variety of lettuce |
COT | Common | a light, narrow bed |
COW | Common | (var. of INTIMIDATE) |
COX | Common | (var. of COXSWAIN) to steer a racing rowboat |
COY | Common | (var. of SHY) timid |
COZ | Rare | (var. of COUSIN) a child of one's aunt or uncle |
CRU | Rare | a grade or class of wine |
CRY | Common | (var. of WEEP) to express sorrow by shedding tears |
CUB | Common | the young of certain animals |
CUD | Wide | a portion of food to be chewed again |
CUE | Common | to give a signal to an actor |
CUM | Wide | together with |
CUP | Common | to place in a cup (a small, open container) |
CUR | Common | a mongrel dog |
CUT | Common | to divide into parts with a sharp-edged instrument |
CUZ | Ultra Rare | (var. of COUSIN) a child of one's aunt or uncle |
CWM | Rare | (var. of CIRQUE) a deep, steep-walled basin on a mountain |