Valid Three Letter Words in SOWPODS

If you want to improve your game, there's no better way than to familiarize yourself with all valid three-letter words. Many of these are in common usage, but a great number of them are rarely-used in everyday language, and known only to specialists, word-buffs and puzzle-addicts. Here we provide all playable 3-letter words in alphabetical order, along with their Wordtwist difficulty rating and a brief definition. If you'd like to learn more about a particular word, just click the underlined word to pull up alternate definitions, sample usage and pictures related to that term.

Select a letter to view all valid, three-letter words in SOWPODS (the dictionary we use on this site) which begin with that letter:

 A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z 

KABRare an ancient Hebrew unit of measure
KAEUltra Rare a bird resembling a crow
KAFUltra Rare(var. of KAPH) a Hebrew letter
KAIUltra Rare a meal
KAKWide faeces; rubbish
KAMUltra Rare awry
KASUltra Rare a large cupboard
KATRare an evergreen shrub
KAWUltra Rare(var. of CAW) to utter the sound of a crow
KAYUltra Rare the letter K
KEARare a parrot
KEBUltra Rare to give birth to a premature lamb
KEDRare a type of wingless fly that infests sheep
KEFRare hemp smoked to produce euphoria
KEGCommon to store in a keg (a small barrel)
KENCommon(var. of KNOW) to have a true understanding of
KEPRare(var. of CATCH) to capture after pursuit
KETUltra Rare(var. of CARRION) dead and putrefying flesh
KEXRare a dry, hollow stalk
KEYCommon to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock)
KHIUltra Rare(var. of CHI) a Greek letter
KIDCommon(var. of TEASE) to make fun of
KIFRare(var. of KEF) hemp smoked to produce euphoria
KINCommon a group of persons of common ancestry
KIPWide(var. of SLEEP) to be in a natural, periodic state of rest
KIRUltra Rare an alcoholic beverage
KISWide(var. of KI) the vital force in Chinese thought
KITCommon(var. of EQUIP) to provide with whatever is needed
KOARare a timber tree
KOBRare a reddish brown antelope
KOIUltra Rare a large and colorful fish
KONUltra Rare(var. of KNOW) to have a true understanding of
KOPRare a hill
KORRare a Hebrew unit of measure
KOSRare a land measure in India
KOWUltra Rare a branch of twigs
KUEUltra Rare the letter Q
KYEUltra Rare a private Korean-American banking club
KYUUltra Rare a novice grade in judo
Competition Timer
  • LovesWords LovesWords scored a new best word with MAGNETIST (16 pts) on board #509896 5x5
    July 26, 2024, 9:17 pm
  • Ghostpalmtechnique Ghostpalmtechnique scored a new longest word with RECONNOITERED (13 letters) on board #509906 5x5
    July 26, 2024, 9:16 pm
  • Ghostpalmtechnique Ghostpalmtechnique set a new high score record of 532 points on board #509906 5x5
    July 26, 2024, 9:16 pm
  • Ghostpalmtechnique Ghostpalmtechnique set a new total words record with 91 words on board #509906 5x5
    July 26, 2024, 9:16 pm
  • Ghostpalmtechnique Ghostpalmtechnique scored a new best word with RECONNOITERED (15 pts) on board #509906 5x5
    July 26, 2024, 9:16 pm
  • Roo22 Roo22 set a new total words record with 66 words on board #501006 4x4
    July 26, 2024, 9:13 pm
June's Winners