If you want to improve your game, there's no better way than to familiarize yourself with all valid three-letter words. Many of these are in common usage, but a great number of them are rarely-used in everyday language, and known only to specialists, word-buffs and puzzle-addicts. Here we provide all playable 3-letter words in alphabetical order, along with their Wordtwist difficulty rating and a brief definition. If you'd like to learn more about a particular word, just click the underlined word to pull up alternate definitions, sample usage and pictures related to that term.
Select a letter to view all valid, three-letter words in SOWPODS (the dictionary we use on this site) which begin with that letter:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
DAB | Common | to touch lightly |
DAD | Common | father |
DAE | Rare | (var. of DO) the first tone of the diatonic musical scale |
DAG | Wide | a hanging end or shred |
DAH | Rare | a dash in Morse code |
DAK | Rare | transportation by relays of men and horses |
DAL | Ultra Rare | a dish of lentils and spices in India |
DAM | Common | to build a barrier to obstruct the flow of water |
DAN | Ultra Rare | a level of skill in martial arts |
DAP | Rare | to dip lightly or quickly into water |
DAS | Ultra Rare | (var. of DA) a heavy Burmese knife |
DAW | Rare | (var. of DAWN) to begin to grow light in the morning |
DAY | Common | the time between sunrise and sunset |
DEB | Wide | (var. of DEBUTANTE) |
DEE | Ultra Rare | the letter D |
DEF | Wide | (var. of EXCELLENT) |
DEG | Wide | (var. of WATER) to sprinkle with water (a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid) |
DEI | Ultra Rare | from-used in names |
DEL | Wide | an operator in differential calculus |
DEN | Common | to live in a lair |
DEV | Ultra Rare | (var. of DEVA) a Hindu god |
DEW | Common | to wet with dew (condensed moisture) |
DEX | Ultra Rare | a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant |
DEY | Rare | a former North African ruler |
DIB | Rare | to fish by letting the bait bob lightly on the water |
DID | Common | (var. of DO) the first tone of the diatonic musical scale |
DIE | Common | to cut with a die (a device for shaping material) |
DIF | Ultra Rare | (var. of DIFF) a difference |
DIG | Common | to break up, turn over, or remove earth |
DIM | Common | (var. of OBSCURE) dark or indistinct |
DIN | Common | to make a loud noise |
DIP | Common | to immerse briefly into a liquid |
DIS | Wide | to insult or criticize |
DIT | Rare | a dot in Morse code |
DIV | Wide | in Persian legend, an evil spirit |
DOB | Wide | to inform on |
DOC | Wide | doctor |
DOD | Ultra Rare | to cut the hair of |
DOE | Common | (var. of DEER) a ruminant mammal |
DOF | Wide | (var. of STUPID) mentally slow |
DOG | Common | to follow after like a dog (a domesticated, carnivorous mammal) |
DOH | Wide | a musical note |
DOL | Wide | a unit of pain intensity |
DOM | Wide | a title given to certain monks |
DON | Common | to put on |
DOO | Ultra Rare | a dove |
DOP | Ultra Rare | (var. of DIP) to immerse briefly into a liquid |
DOR | Rare | a black European beetle |
DOS | Common | (var. of DO) the first tone of the diatonic musical scale |
DOT | Common | to cover with dots (tiny round marks) |
DOW | Rare | (var. of PROSPER) to be successful or fortunate |
DOY | Wide | a beloved person |
DRY | Common | (var. of PROHIBITIONIST) |
DSO | Ultra Rare | (var. of ZHO) a cross between a yak and a cow |
DUB | Common | to confer knighthood on |
DUD | Common | a bomb that fails to explode |
DUE | Common | something that is owed |
DUG | Common | the teat or udder of a female mammal |
DUH | Wide | used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious |
DUI | Ultra Rare | (var. of DUO) an instrumental duet |
DUN | Wide | of a dull brown color |
DUO | Common | an instrumental duet |
DUP | Wide | (var. of OPEN) affording unobstructed access, passage, or view |
DUX | Rare | the best academic performer in a class |
DYE | Common | to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) |
DZO | Ultra Rare | (var. of ZHO) a cross between a yak and a cow |