March 2025 5 x 5 Monthly Competition

We hold a series of competitions each month for those players who wish to play competitively. Each monthly competition will end at 12.01am on the 1st of every month, with trophies being awarded to the top 20 ranked players in each individual competition. Not yet on the list? Keep trying! It takes both skill and determination to make it to the Wordtwist Hall of Fame!

Select which of March 2025's current competition rankings you'd like to view:

These three competitions are based on each player's average statistics - how many points they average per game, how many words they average per game, and how many points they score, on average, per word. Only players who have tallied more than 50 games in any given month are eligible for these competitions.

Average Score Per Game
1st fasteddieb 1266.213 pts
2nd Mackers2 1036.436 pts
3rd dsh2 985.700 pts
4th RussDNails 947.963 pts
5th laso 902.000 pts
6th jbud1980 808.727 pts
7th Surplusage Es 776.224 pts
8th EVISEnterpris 724.688 pts
9th bookwormr 712.105 pts
10th theq1 641.664 pts
11th markdd 638.818 pts
12th bwt1213 629.218 pts
13th babybullz59 610.380 pts
14th Ballerino 599.827 pts
15th mcdoug 582.598 pts
16th erakis17 581.203 pts
17th VConnieSwail 557.913 pts
18th JCUK 557.801 pts
19th budwo1 554.493 pts
20th musctchr 546.252 pts
21st lmack 546.247 pts
22nd Ghostpalmtech 534.784 pts
23rd BoggleOtaku 533.826 pts
24th scheffek 528.749 pts
25th mosher 527.945 pts
26th DrPlacebo 507.669 pts
27th alid0505 490.019 pts
28th Ellen 488.236 pts
29th wordaustin 481.072 pts
30th Crazypromoguy 479.424 pts
31st disleksix roo 478.604 pts
32nd zeke 477.119 pts
33rd Yakiman 468.721 pts
34th Cricket69 467.810 pts
35th hughk 467.027 pts
36th bkbound 460.439 pts
37th Obijuan 460.370 pts
38th Imaboomer2 456.620 pts
39th monkeycat 449.420 pts
40th parsonsm11111 441.010 pts
41st kblickster 432.739 pts
42nd bmwt 428.531 pts
43rd bionicflutist 428.482 pts
44th Larky 428.090 pts
45th shringeld 426.276 pts
46th Frostie 422.444 pts
47th Refereeman198 418.695 pts
48th elsiedoe 417.647 pts
49th tx_eye_guy 416.564 pts
50th Campion 415.432 pts
Average Words Per Game
1st fasteddieb 205.760 wds
2nd dsh2 191.591 wds
3rd Mackers2 184.273 wds
4th laso 170.863 wds
5th RussDNails 151.814 wds
6th bookwormr 140.571 wds
7th EVISEnterpris 137.405 wds
8th theq1 127.357 wds
9th mcdoug 123.425 wds
10th babybullz59 122.354 wds
11th VConnieSwail 117.213 wds
12th jbud1980 115.934 wds
13th Ballerino 115.212 wds
14th markdd 114.909 wds
15th budwo1 113.972 wds
16th lmack 110.973 wds
17th musctchr 109.829 wds
18th JCUK 109.690 wds
19th erakis17 107.355 wds
20th wordaustin 102.101 wds
21st Ghostpalmtech 101.761 wds
22nd alid0505 100.769 wds
23rd bkbound 100.263 wds
24th BoggleOtaku 100.006 wds
25th scheffek 99.928 wds
26th Surplusage Es 99.373 wds
27th Ellen 99.102 wds
28th zeke 98.171 wds
29th Yakiman 97.672 wds
30th Imaboomer2 95.899 wds
31st monkeycat 94.583 wds
32nd Obijuan 94.489 wds
33rd Crazypromoguy 94.329 wds
34th mosher 94.188 wds
35th bionicflutist 94.161 wds
36th hughk 92.582 wds
37th elsiedoe 92.202 wds
38th tawantinsuyo 92.033 wds
39th DrPlacebo 90.948 wds
40th disleksix roo 90.755 wds
41st bmwt 90.234 wds
42nd parsonsm11111 89.768 wds
43rd kblickster 89.716 wds
44th Refereeman198 88.785 wds
45th bwt1213 87.927 wds
46th Larky 87.056 wds
47th shringeld 86.520 wds
48th Frostie 85.878 wds
49th FiliaSecunda 85.262 wds
50th Visitor613 85.024 wds
Average Points Per Word
1st Spike1007 43.831 pts
2nd pmoffit 24.281 pts
3rd bookyboo 10.807 pts
4th Dr. Who 10.675 pts
5th noodlngroodl 10.271 pts
6th Boulevardiere 9.921 pts
7th MatD 9.826 pts
8th MissFixIt 8.408 pts
9th Surplusage Es 7.811 pts
10th feltfish 7.573 pts
11th Lermans 7.407 pts
12th DJFly12 7.387 pts
13th thossac 7.228 pts
14th bovinemudpie 7.214 pts
15th bwt1213 7.156 pts
16th jbud1980 6.976 pts
17th SureFire 6.791 pts
18th geekwes 6.689 pts
19th snsmithaz 6.548 pts
20th kittencaboodl 6.476 pts
21st tekad 6.397 pts
22nd ferniehaze 6.301 pts
23rd Biloxidebbie 6.294 pts
24th RussDNails 6.244 pts
25th sumsandbooks 6.220 pts
26th fasteddieb 6.154 pts
27th belzimere 6.048 pts
28th Con_Lad 5.936 pts
29th the cryptogra 5.934 pts
30th Oggler 5.865 pts
31st Rapple 5.796 pts
32nd Cricket69 5.794 pts
33rd gertieb 5.759 pts
34th lorenzo41 5.681 pts
35th timmerov 5.656 pts
36th imelmcbride 5.647 pts
37th drteeth1979 5.636 pts
38th Mackers2 5.624 pts
39th mosher 5.605 pts
40th Raak 5.600 pts
41st DrPlacebo 5.582 pts
42nd markdd 5.559 pts
43rd billablehour 5.550 pts
44th LovesWords 5.532 pts
45th shrewdkate 5.499 pts
46th thouc 5.473 pts
47th samiam915a 5.454 pts
48th smartypettico 5.423 pts
49th erakis17 5.414 pts
50th GreyOwl 5.394 pts